Jim Hubbard Receives 2007 Lewis Hine Distinguished Service Award

11 March 2007

Photojournalist Jim Hubbard, creative director of Venice Arts in Venice, Calif., has been honored by the National Child Labor Committee with a 2007 Lewis Hine Distinguished Service Award. Hubbard is the first photographer to receive the award, which recognizes those who have made a positive impact on the welfare of the nation's youth.

During his 40-year career, Hubbard's work has called attention to the plight of low-income, homeless, Native American, gang-involved and disabled children.

In addition to his involvement with Venice Arts: In Neighborhoods, a nonprofit organization that pairs photographers, digital artists and filmmakers with at-risk youths, Hubbard founded the Shooting Back program, which provides homeless young people with cameras and encourages them to document their own life stories.