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Adobe Cuts Stock Photo Search Service


Adobe Stock Photos, the royalty-free image service provided by Adobe, will discontinue service as of April 1.

On Feb. 4, CS2 and CS3 customers with Adobe Bridge-enabled applications received e-mail with information about the discontinuation. In a statement on its website, Adobe did not comment on the service's appearance in the upcoming versions of Adobe Creative Suite.

Adobe Stock Photos will be fully operational through March 3, after which it will disable the search feature. Customers may still purchase images through March 31, however, and customer support will be available until June 1. Adobe recommends uninstalling Adobe Stock Photos from the Creative Suite applications to ease workflow.

Adobe Stock was launched in May 2005 with Adobe's Creative Suite 2 applications and offered access to stock photography images from partners through the built-in Adobe Bridge program. Images will still be available through the suppliers' websites. Metadata and license agreements will also remain active.