Frank Rogozienski Exhibits One-Picture-a-Day-for-a-Year Photo Project

06 February 2009
Frank Rogozienski Exhibits One-Picture-a-Day-for-a-Year Photo Project
© Frank Rogozienski

San Diego-based photographer Frank Rogozienski recently exhibited his show, "366 | 08," at Subtext Gallery. For the project, Rogozienski took one picture a day for a full year in 2008. The show, which began as an exercise, eventually grew into a broader examination of the everyday world.

Rogozienski is a co-founding member of the artists' cooperative La Luz Loca, originally begun in New Orleans. He has served as president of the San Diego chapter of the Advertising Photographers of America and as a board member of the New Orleans chapter of ASMP.  The images in "366 | 08" can also be viewed at