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Lyson Introduces Bulk Feed for Epson Stylus Pro 4000

Lyson Bulk Feed System Lyson Bulk Feed System

Lyson, a provider of inks, media and related products to the printing, photography, graphic arts and other allied industries, has introduced a bulk-feed ink delivery system with complete pigment and dye-based inksets for the Epson Stylus Pro 4000. Bulk-enabled inksets for the printer allow users to save upward of 70 percent on ink costs, speed workflow processing and eliminate the need to change cartridges.

Lyson's inksets have a wide color gamut and intense color reproduction. The combination of Fotonic dye-based inks and pigment-based Cave Paint provides a comprehensive ink offering. The Lyson bulk-feed system for the Epson Stylus Pro 4000 includes eight half-liter bottles of Cave Paint and has a suggested retail price of $1,199.

Additional Info

  • Company: Lyson
  • Company Phone #: