Blue Earth
Glazer's Camera

Web Photo School Updates Site


Photoflex's Web Photo School has relaunched its website, www.webphotoschool.com, with new free and paid digital photography lessons that offer online learning for all skill levels. The library of more than 200 lessons is grouped into nine general categories: basic camera, basic lighting, portraits, products/still life, business websites, Internet/auction photos, outdoor photography/travel, digital manipulation/Photoshop and new lessons.

Fifteen free lessons are available, on topics ranging from shooting portraits, to photographing jewelry for print and the web, to using strobes and soft lights. Lessons on simple techniques and digital-camera use cost 99 cents each. More extensive lessons that combine several photo techniques cost $1.99 apiece, and advanced lessons taught by well known photographers are $2.99 each. Students also can take advantage of as many of the 150 lessons as they wish for $8 a month, or $60 for a full year.

Additional Info

  • Company: Photoflex
  • Company Phone #: 800-377-4686